Saturday, August 2, 2008


Tom sleeps most of the time but when he is awake he's a lot more coherant today than yesterday. Also, he's not talking in his sleep or reaching out with his hands as much - actually, he hasn't done either since I arrived this morning. He looks very peaceful.

He has a feeding tube now. The doctor determined that he is malnourished. You might remember how much Tom was eating while he was on steroids several weeks ago. Well, as the steroids were tapered off so was his appetite. He went from eating two hotdogs in one sitting, to vomiting and gagging at the taste and smell of food, to being able to eat very small amounts. His weight dropped from about 148 to 136.

Anyway, he didn't have the energy to exercise. Maybe he'll regain his strength and be able to walk around and then exercise a bit. He's doing okay. He'll be in the hospital for several more days but it's all for the better.

Thanks to all who offered to sit with Tom, and to you who offered exercise equipment, and cards, and calls, and emails, and blog posts. And thanks to everyone for just staying up-to-date with Tom's condition - that in itself means so much.


Katha Stuart said...

As always, we're keeping your family in our thoughts and are here ANYTIME Katie wants/needs to come over. It's made our summer to get to know her so well . . . what a terrific kid.

Katha, John, Abby, Livi (& Dixie!)

wiizii said...

That's good news that Tom's hospital stay will not be extensive. I'm so happy for all three of you! Lisa, I wish you the best with your first day of school! And, we certainly hope Miss Katie has a wonderful first day. We love you three!