Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back in the hospital.....again

When the staff at the clinic saw us walk in this morning - me struggling to hold Tom up by his arm and beltloop and Tom dragging and stumbling over his heavy feet - they rushed over to help (they hadn't seen us in two days). They said he has to use a wheelchair for now, whenever we are there. He is no longer able to walk unassisted. The cane I bought him last week isn't helping much right now. As helpful as I thought it would be, it seems to get in the way.

The doctors are concerned about Tom's safety at home. There is a possibility that since he is so frail right now, he could fall and seriously fracture his skull or break a bone. For this reason, they have once again admitted Tom to the hospital. I'll have to admit, I'm somewhat relieved by this as I was really stressing out. It's difficult to feel totally responsible in a situation you can't control. For now, he's being taken care of by experts who have help. I can return to work on Monday with a little relief.

The doctors also want to observe Tom to see why he seems to be experiencing a bout of delirium. He talks nonsense and fumbles with his hands every few minutes during naps. Some of the things he says are very funny but still bothersome.

He hates being back in the hospital so if you have some time please pay him a visit - room 360 at Northside Hospital.


wiizii said...

I'm really bummed for you guys that Tom is back in the hospital. Again, another skirmish in this battle. Tom, you're going to win the race. Rest, let the doctors take over for a little while, and you'll feel better soon.
Love ya,

Jay said...

Hey Tom and Lisa,
I have been out of town and I just read your blog. I am so sorry that you are back in the hospital and about your Mom. You are in my thoughts all the time, but especially now. I'm really sorry about everything and hope that you'll be on an upswing soon.
Love, Jay

wiizii said...

That was pretty funny Chris. I hope Tom enjoyed that as much as I did. Hang tough Tom!
Love ya,

Red Lizzy said...

our love, thoughts and prayers are with you. hang in there. i will come visit once my summer cold goes away. Lisa, if there is anything you need help with in the mean time please let me know.
