Saturday, February 19, 2011

Major Tom

Tomorrow, Saturday, is the funeral. I went and picked up "Tom" at the crematorium today. He is still strapped into my backseat. Such a strange feeling having Tom in a cardboard box (urn inside).


Zack Foley said...

I've just read so many entries you've posted. My fiancé and I just went through all of this almost to a t with what would have been my father in law. It is amazing to read your posts, and be able to recall similar events. I am very sorry for your loss, and although I can't say I know EXACTLY how you feel, I do feel some of your pain. Aside from Joe passing ( my better halts father) my mother had also passed as well. So it's a familiar thing to me. I hope everything works out and all though it's rough now, it does get easier with time. That's it. Good luck to you and your family and once more, I am sorry for your loss.

Eloise said...

Lisa, We are you family and always will be. I know it is hard for you and Kate now, but with God's help it will get a little better everyday. Life goes on, just remember we are always here for you. We love you and Kate very much. The lady that sells the peanuts.