Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inspirational comment

I thought I would share this comment posted to my last entry, "Greedy Doctors". Tom and I found it to be very inspirational (I appreciate all comments):

friendlymentor said...
Lisa and Tom,
I think about you often. I too had my awakening moments where I realized that the medical system is full of frauds. I know that these doctors have gone to school a long time, but I also know that they think they own people's bodies and they have no qualms about charging people a lot of money or prescribing the most expensive treatments.

I ended my treatment in 2004 by making up my mind that this is my body and I am no longer interested in putting a lot of different kinds of pills into it. Over the long run, I was right. I avoided any more doctors, I did what I know in my own mind is right for me, and although I'm not always right, I just had a blood test last month that showed the best health results ever.

You have to go with your gut instincts. When the doctors have done all they can, please realize that they have done all they can. And don't allow them to do any more. Live with yourselves and bring yourselves back to where you want to be. That's my advice. Use the power of your minds to heal this problem.

At some point you have to discriminate between "healing" and "the USA health system."

We want the best for you and your family. At first when adversity strikes, you look to people who know better than you. After a while, you come to understand that those people no longer know better than you. They don't live at your house, they don't work and play with you, they can only give you an outside opinion.

Once I realized that these people called doctors live a much better paid life and are bent upon using my insurance to pay for more of their on-going priviledges, I divorced them.

If you need them, use them. If you aren't gaining any benefits, go your own way.

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