Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sorry for the delay!

Hello everyone,
I'm so sorry for the delay in keeping you posted. Tom is doing fine. Dr. deAngelis ordered a lumbar puncture to rule out the possibility of new leukemia cells - don't freak, it's just a formality in her very in-depth look at Tom's situation. She also ordered a PET scan of his head. You may remember that she ordered a full-body PET scan, but that was only from the neck down. I don't understand why the head wasn't included. Anyway, she wants an in-depth view of his brain and upper spine area - I guess the body PET scan didn't show anything of concern to her. We aren't sure what she's thinking, so it seems like the lumbar puncture, which is a procedure to extract fluid from the lower part of the spinal cord, coupled with the PET scan of the brain will show something of relevence to her. It really feels like this is it - if these tests show nothing then he will just have to live his life handicapped, truly...cane and all.

On a brighter note, as you know, Tom is like no other; he embraces the ability to overcome obstacles, and possesses an ominous motivation to conquer his condition. He will rise above this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why I love him so much! He will persevere. I'm not sure I could. Hang in there!