Sunday, July 20, 2008

136 pounds

Tom is still not able to keep any food down - not even a Boost drink which was the only thing he could keep down the last time he wasn't able to eat (in the hospital). Tom told me that he may need to be admitted into the hospital if this keeps up. He said the doctor told him before he was discharged last time that he would have to return if his body rejected food.

He was weighed at the clinic this morning - 136 pounds. Keep in mind that he is 6' 1".

On the drive home from the clinic, in between periods of vomiting, he asked me in his shaky voice, "What am I going to do?". He does NOT want to be admitted to the hospital.

I'm running out of answers. I don't know what to tell him. I wish I knew what to do. He's scared and so am I.


wiizii said...

I know you do not want to go back to the hospital but your life may depend on your doing so. This is part of the battle. It's another skirmish and you need "backup" to get through it. Don't be scared. Face it head on just like you've been doing. Please do not let this continue. You body is weak already and it needs the nutritional support. I would give anything to make this easier for you or for you not to endure it at all but that is not in my power. All I can do is urge you to take care of your body. It needs food. You've had a blessed period of joy at home and you will have more. But you gotta be strong enough to enjoy them. Get nurients to your body however you have to. Whatever it takes! I'm the big sister and that's my two cents worth! I love you guys.

friendlymentor said...

There are a number of setbacks on the road to recovery. There will be surprises so be looking for them because they are going to appear. People can do without food for a while but not without water. It sounds like Tom is having a hopefully brief relapse. It is a big shock to have to keep going back and forth, but these things you have to live through to get to the other side. There is no "going out for a pass" . . . you have to go straight up through the middle, and the middle has some rough parts. Your doctors know best at this point, so put Tom back in their hands if this doesn't straighten out in the next day. Bodies have certain things that must be balanced or we will perish. Potassium/Calcium is one of the pairings. They may have to give him blood tests to see what is out of whack.
It's good that you are both sensitive to Tom's condition. Listen to wiizii. It sounds like Tom started to climb up over the hurdle, but slid back down. When he is rested and ready and able to eat right again, he can begin climbing again.
We are all praying for you both (and for Katie too).

Spirit Wood Turner said...

My Dear, Lovely Lisa (Tom, you're Lovely too!),

I had a nice chat with Tom a few nights ago. He sounded good to me. Know that I'm sending deadly disease killers through the Universe directed precisely at what is making Tom sick. We all have limitless Power, and along with a Spirit that wants nothing more than to serve us with what we need, I'm convinced he will and in fact has already beat this. He just needs to ask of it and see it as done. That's my belief, but I have seen it happen so many times and Tom's next. He has so much yet to give not only you guys, but the World in general.

He will have the chance to yet give of himself, I know it.

He's told me you have been an awesome support for him, along with Katie. He's blessed, you're blessed, we're all blessed for bumping into you, however briefly.

Try to create a picture in your mind and hold onto it, of a time when Tom was perfectly healthy, complete, and whole. That will be a reality again.

Big hugs, and I wish I could see you nguys again. I remember that insane cab ride we took together in Philly, thinking, "well, I had to swim in freezing water for a half hour after my plane crashed, I'll make it again after we plunge into this freezing river we're careening past!". What a wild night...

In Light and Love,